5 Reasons Why Every Woman Needs a Cashmere Wrap Scarf in Her Collection
It is really not easy to collect a well-diversified wardrobe full of fashionable pieces, especially if one is fussy about the basics. Cashmere wrap scarves fall right onto this list. This high-end ...
阅读更多Pashmina vs. Kani stole: What's the Difference?
If you are looking for some elegant winter wear, two names are bound to pop up in your mind: Original Kashmiri Pashmina shawl and handmade Kani stole.Both are incredibly beautiful and warm and have...
阅读更多What Are Pashmina Tilla Shawls and Why Are They So Popular?
Are you a pashmina tilla shawls lover? In this world of luxury clothing items, pashmina shawls are famous for their simplicity and quality. No other shawls are as soft as pashmina. From ordinary pe...
阅读更多Exploring the Beauty and Craftsmanship of Pashmina Shawls and Wrap
Pashmina shawls and wraps are known for their incredible softness, detailed craftsmanship, and cultural importance. These beautiful pieces come from the scenic valleys of Kashmir and represent the ...
阅读更多The History and Art of Making Pashmina Kalamkari Shawls
Kalamkari is an ancient art form that originated in India, combining the intricate beauty of hand-painted or block-printed designs on fabric. When paired with the luxurious softness of Pashmina woo...
阅读更多羊绒披肩以其奢华的质感和永恒的魅力,在世界各地备受追捧。但为什么这些精致的东西那么贵? 羊绒纤维的稀有度: 帕什米纳 (Pashmina) 的故事始于喜马拉雅地区的高海拔地区,那里繁衍生息着一种特殊品种的山羊,称为昌坦吉山羊 (Changthangi) 或帕什米纳山羊 (Pashmina goat)。这些山羊产生的超细羊毛比世界上任何其他纤维都更柔软、更轻、更温暖。这种被称为 Pashm 的...
阅读更多羊绒披肩以其精致的柔软、温暖和优雅而闻名,是任何衣柜中的珍贵配饰。这些奢华单品采用昌坦吉山羊的细毛制成,精致而珍贵。鉴于 Pashmina 的优良品质,人们很自然地想了解护理 Pashmina 的最佳做法,尤其是在熨烫方面。在本博客中,我们将探讨 Pashmina 是否可以熨烫,并提供有关如何正确护理和保养您珍爱的披肩的提示。 了解 Pashmina 的精致本性 在深入了解熨烫细节之前,有必...
阅读更多在时尚配饰领域,没有其他物品比围巾和 pashmina 更通用、更经典。从古代开始,这些面料奇迹很可能一直在修饰肩膀、修饰服装并为穿着者提供时尚和舒适的感觉。与此相反,交替使用围巾和羊绒是对区分两者的不同属性的滥用。好吧,让我们更深入地研究这些可爱配件的难题,并揭开它们之间的差异。起始和材料: 为了了解围巾和羊绒之间的区别,需要更深入地研究它们的背景和制作材料的种类。 羊绒: ...
阅读更多羊绒以其无与伦比的柔软度和奢华的质感,长期以来一直被尊为令人垂涎的时尚配饰。这些精美的披肩源自克什米尔的喜马拉雅地区,由帕什米纳山羊的细底毛(也称为羊绒)制成。然而,在当今市场充斥着仿制品的情况下,辨别羊绒的真伪可能具有挑战性。如果您曾经想知道“我如何知道我的羊绒是否是真的?”——请继续阅读,发现真正工艺的迹象。 检查大师级缝合: 图像显示绿色 YF 大师工匠针迹。 每件手工制作的羊绒披肩...