The focal point of all the stupendous and splendid Kashmiri crafts are those native artisans who have been guardians to all these crafts since ages. They have always cherished their art and meticulously passed onto the next generations. However, the times have never been in much favor of these skilled hands as they always have faced exploitation, deprivation and repudiation at the hands of mediators and influential businessmen. As we come from a similar background we have experienced all these wrongs from the conduits in between the sellers and buyers. So from a very young age we wanted to break this practice of deprivation and injustice.

With the launch of Shahkaar we have broken these shackles of disallowance and negation as we have worked to bring all these accomplished artisans into the limelight and vowed to deliver to them the recognition they rightfully deserve. This will infuse a new life into the Kashmiri artisanship and encourage other skilled persons to bring into life the dormant artistic magic they possess. It will equally help to bring back the Kashmiri craft from the state of near collapse and will help to uplift the standards of living of these artisans who have been constantly changing their occupations due to low wage issues.
The similitude of Shahkaar is just like a tree comprised of different parts working together in synchronization and equally benefitting from the task jointly done. However, in this system these artisans act as the trunk that delivers the requisite strength to branches, flowers and fruits to flourish. So Artisans at Shahkaar will always procure the central position.